Infrasource News Project Spotlight: AM07 Natural Gas Line Replacement Phases 2&4

Project Spotlight: AM07 Natural Gas Line Replacement Phases 2&4

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Natural Gas Pipeline

Our latest project in Kentucky involves replacing the outdated natural gas infrastructure with a modern, state-of-the-art pipeline. This upgrade ensures safe and reliable service for customers, utilizing advanced monitoring equipment and inspection technology.

Phase 2 involved comprehensive pipeline replacement activities, including clearing, grubbing, welding, lowering-in, testing, and restoration. This phase covered approximately 18,280 linear feet of 24-inch steel pipe, which was backfilled with sand and an additional sand-water mix for extra padding. The team navigated unmarked utilities, often resorting to hand digging or vacuum excavation to avoid damaging existing infrastructure.

We also managed multiple trenchless installations, including a 3,587-foot horizontal directional drill, four 24-inch conventional road bores, and four stream crossings. Phase 4 included the direct burial of approximately 1,730 linear feet of 24-inch steel pipe.

The pipeline traversed residential neighborhoods, including yards and roads. Our team coordinated daily with homeowners to ensure their driveways remained accessible. The residents expressed great satisfaction with our team’s efforts.

As we continue to make strides in this project, we remain committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and efficiency.

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